Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dorothy, We are still in Kansas and its May

Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry . . . and so do dinner plans.  Kim was our host in May and I don't even remember her original restaurant pick but it was located in Westport--we will get back there some other time.  Instead, our plans were swept away when tornado season officially descended upon Kansas City.  We all met at Kim's house for cocktails and appetizers.  Amid all our catching up, we heard over our chatter that certain wail that is all too familiar in the Midwest in Spring--sirens.  We dashed to the windows to take in the greenish pall that had settled over the street.  

So like any safety conscious Midwesterners, we freshened our drinks, turned on the local news coverage, and Kim assigned us all a candle to snuff should we have to make a mad dash for the basement.  Unfortunately, the storm was scheduled to descend upon Kim's neighborhood about the time we would be in our cars headed to the restaurant so she canceled our reservations. We survived the storm and headed to Cactus Grill a block away and had an awesome meal despite it being our last minute choice. 

Great magueritas, fast service (we were pretty much the only people in the restaurant) and Mexican food--what more can you ask for during a tornado.  Janel

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